Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS)

Advance Diversity Services (ADS) supports newly arrived migrants and refugees who live, work or study in the St George and Sutherland Shire areas to become independent and contribute to the Australian community.

In your first five years in Australia, we provide FREE settlement assistance to help you form meaningful connections and participate equally in the social, economic and cultural life of your new home in Australia.

Benefits from our networks and community building

  • Practical information about housing, schools, jobs, banking, health, social security
  • Citizenship, form filling, and understanding government and legal systems
  • Training workshops to build skills and knowledge
  • One-on-one casework
  • Referrals to services (Centrelink, health, childcare, family support)
  • Advocacy
  • Support to find classes to strengthen your English language skills
  • Assistance to find education and training
  • Support to build employment readiness
  • Social support groups and community activities (arts and culture clubs, celebrations)
  • Events, info sessions and groups for all ages

Click here to see if you are eligible for SETS.

Welcoming Staff

Many of our staff members are from refugee or migrant backgrounds and are familiar with the challenges of settling in a new country.

Targeted Support

The needs of new arrivals are diverse, so we’re here to help you with housing, income support, education and employment, and other social needs. 

Speaking Your Language

Our experienced staff speak many languages, which can help you easily access services and make a smoother transition to feeling at home.

Friendship and Belonging

We run groups and information sessions, including driver education, health workshops, learning English, cultural clubs and support for families to help you settle in.

‘ADS will help you settle easily into your new home in Australia.’

Our Support

We are funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs through the SETS program, delivered in collaboration with Settlement Services International.

ADS is also part of a larger consortium, the NSW Settlement Partnership (NSP), which is led by Settlement Services International (SSI). 
