Advance Diversity Services (ADS) appreciates the delivery of 600 rapid COVID-19 test kits from Multicultural NSW and Australian Chinese Charity Foundation (ACCF) to ensure free kits are available to its vulnerable culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

CEO Antoinette Chow thanked Multicultural NSW and ACCF for making the rapid antigen tests (RATs) available to ADS to distribute to people of migrant and refugee (CALD) backgrounds in St George and the Sutherland shire – many of whom cannot claim access to government payments.

‘We are the perfect partners to get these tests into the hands of the people who need them,’ Ms Chow said. ‘ADS is trusted by this region’s most vulnerable culturally and linguistically diverse communities, including newly arrived migrants, refugees and temporary visa holders.

‘People come to us in financial stress and with concerns about getting and using the rapid tests – and we’re here to support them. Having free tests to distribute to them will go a long way to smoothing the process.”

Ultimately, Ms Chow said, having the free RAT tests will help slow the spread of COVID -19.

This is because:

  • Newly arrived migrants, refugees and temporary visa holders who have previously struggled to access RAT tests will now find it easier, which increases the likelihood they will use them.
  • If their rapid test shows they’re negative they can work, and go about their other tasks, with much less likelihood of transmitting the virus.
  • If their test is positive, they will know to self-isolate and look after their health, and seek further treatment and advice as needed.

‘The pandemic has brought many challenges to CALD communities,’ Ms Chow said, ‘and ADS has provided much-needed support with things like free masks and in-language education.

‘Providing free RAT tests is another way ADS can help keep vulnerable people safe in what we hope are the pandemic’s final stages.’

So far, over 42,000 RAT kits have been issued by Multicultural NSW to multicultural groups, with more expected to be rolled out in the coming weeks.

For more information about how to access free RAT test kits from ADS please call (02) 9597 544 or email to