Feedback and Complaint
We value your feedback
Feedback is pivotal to ensuring we continue to provide the best possible care – and we welcome it. It gives us a better understanding of the people we serve – and we use these insights to shape our services and actions for continuous improvement.
Everyone has the right to make a complaint and no one will be treated differently if they make a complaint. We want to hear from our clients, and their families and carers, about any issues and concerns so we can swiftly resolve them.
Please also let us know what we do well, and where we can improve our services, as this will ensure we continue to meet your needs every day.
Providing feedback or making a complaint is simple
You can do this by
- Speaking with a staff member of Advance Diversity Services
- Contacting us on (02) 9597 5455
- Sending us an email
- Completing the Feedback and Complaints Form and giving it to a staff member or posting it to Suite 231, 7-11 The Avenue, Hurstville NSW 2220
Where can I get help to give feedback or make a complaint?
- If you require interpreting assistance, we can arrange an interpreter. Or please call Translating and Interpreting Services on 131 450 and ask them to call us.
- You can give your feedback and make a complaint in your language and we will arrange translation.
- We will talk with you via the National Relay Service if you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.
What should I include in my feedback or complaint?
- The reason for your feedback: your experience at the ADS, name of the service, who was involved, when and what happened etc.
- The outcome you are seeking.
- Your contact details (phone number, email address and postal address) if you agree that we can contact you for more information
Can I make an anonymous complaint?
Yes, however, not knowing your details may make it difficult to investigate your complaint, as we can’t approach you for more information or tell you the outcomes of our investigation.
What happens after I provide feedback or make a complaint?
We will confirm within two working days that we have received your feedback.
If you are offering a suggestion or a compliment, thank you! We will forward your feedback to the relevant staff member or team.
If you are making a complaint, we may need to contact you for more information, and speak to our staff and/or any others who were involved.
We will investigate your complaint to understand what happened and why, and find ways to prevent it happening again.
We will address your concerns as soon as possible and aim to complete the investigation within 28 days. If it is going to take longer – and you have given us your contact details – we will keep you informed about progress along the way.
What happens if I’m not happy with the outcome of my complaint?
You can ask for a review by a member of our management team. This may be a Senior Manager or Executive Officer.
Alternately, you may like to contact an external complaint-handling agency, established by our national or state government or others with your welfare in mind. You can do this at any stage of the complaint process – including if you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint.
Some external complaint handling agencies:
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
1800 951 822
Visit Making a complaint | Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
National Disability Insurance Agency
1800 800 110
Visit Feedback and complaints | NDIS
Ombudsman NSW – Disability Services
02 9286 1000
1800 451 524
Visit Online Complaint Form – NSW Ombudsman
Health Care Complaints Commission – All services
1800 043 159
Visit Health Care Complaints Commission