The Advance Diversity Services (ADS) is a proud supporter of the South Eastern Sydney Recovery College, a pioneering educational initiative in Australia, focused on learning and growth for better mental health. The College offers comprehensive education and training programs developed and delivered by people with a lived experience of mental illness and health professionals.
Courses are open to people living with mental illness, carers, families, friends, volunteers and the staff of college partners. The College offers a variety of courses. Information on courses and how to enrol are available on the South East Sydney Local Health District website:
The ADS is hosting a number of courses for people from CALD background in the coming months. ‘Navigating the Mental Health System’ will be offered in Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese. For further information contact the Recovery College on 93668711 or Penny Antonopoulos, ADS Disability & Mental Health Program Manager on 9597 5455.