Jun 14, 2016 | News, Services for Families and Women
Men’s Health Week encourages communities across Australia to reach out to men, boys and their families to promote health and wellbeing through engaging activities, events and promotions.
These locally tailored events create the right setting for conversations about the elements that make us healthy – that’s why our 2016 theme HEALTH ELEMENTS is about encouraging communities to start those conversations about the elements of life that build health and life’s purpose.
This year for Men’s Health Week, Advance Diversity Services is offering an Anger Management Workshop, where you will gain a better understanding of:
- anger and it’s cycle
- what triggers anger
- the realities of anger
- how to deal with anger
- strategies for gaining control of anger
- how to improve home and work life by managing anger
To register online for the workshop – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/anger-management-workshop-tickets-25987999807?aff=es2
For more information, contact Rishi on 9597 5455 or rishia@wordpress-237783-1241987.cloudwaysapps.com
May 25, 2016 | News, Services for Families and Women
“Everyone has the right to feel safe, regardless of who they are and Islam teaches people how to respect each other”……This quote by Imam Mufti, Dr Asad Ali Bokhari Shah from Sydney South Welfare Centre has left a lasting impression for the 35 Bangladeshi Muslim families who attended the Sunnah of a Happy Family Workshop on Saturday 14th May 2016 at Red Rose Function Centre in Rockdale. Advance Diversity Services (ADS) and Sydney South Welfare Centre organised this workshop with the support of ADS’s Bangladeshi Reference Group. (more…)
May 20, 2016 | News, Services for Families and Women
This session is lead by ADS and facilitated by Sydney Trains, helps participants to understand safe train travel by providing information on safe utilisation of public transport and the expected standards of behaviour. It also aims to educate the community about safety issues that affect them while travelling on public transport, specifically trains.
Registration Link:
May 19, 2016 | News, Services for Families and Women
More than 160 youth and their families from Nepalese, Arabic, Bengali and Chinese backgrounds attended a Fishing, Swimming and Boating Safety Workshop on Saturday 16 April at Cook Park, Ramsgate Beach to celebrate National Youth Week 2016.
The workshop, organised by Advance Diversity Services (ADS) was a valuable opportunity for migrant youth and their families across St George to Sutherland to come together and address the common goal of reducing drowning deaths and related injuries.
Water-based sport and recreation activities are an important part of Australian culture and all visitors to Australian shores should be able to participate in water activities safely and enjoy the benefits that come from this involvement.
To date, the ongoing work in drowning prevention reflects the hard work and investment from all parties involved, including Rockdale City Council, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries NSW), Recreational Fishing Alliance NSW, Surf Life Saving NSW Roads and Maritime Services and Marine Rescue NSW.
Families were given an opportunity to participate in rock fishing, safe boating and other water safety activities with professional guides and equipment (find the list at www.reelchase.com/best-shimano-spinning-reels/).
While launching the workshop, Antoinette Chow, CEO of Advance Diversity Services said, “By doing these workshops Advance Diversity Services took another positive step in supporting the reduction of drowning deaths, educate families how to stay safe and share information on responsible fishing in the sea while enjoying the Australia’s beautiful beaches and water activities.
One of the workshop participants said, “My kids and I enjoyed the workshops a lot, especially the marine safety and fishing one. The hands on experience it gave us was good.”
For more information contact Advance Diversity Services on 9597 5455.